Best Article Writing Tools Which Make You Pro Writer

If you are looking for the best article writing tools, then you came to the right place. Here I am going to share with you the best article writing tools to improve your writings skills.

Article Writing Tools For Creating Better Content

Following are the best tools that make you a pro writer, and you can write quality content for your client.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner, for example, can assist you in generating topic ideas while putting together an editorial calendar.

You may also use a frequently Googled phrase in your article to appeal to a larger audience. Using a popular keyword will draw more attention to your online post since you’ve chosen a term that people typically type into Google.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

If you don’t already have a phrase (or at least a concept) in mind, choosing a title may be difficult. You write an outstanding article, and you want your title to be just as excellent.

CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer is a must-have on our top article writing tools list since it aids in the development of blog and article titles. It analyzes each word on a sentence-by-sentence basis, providing tips on what should be added or removed. CoSchedule also grades and scores your title, offering instructional suggestions in addition to informative ideas. You can create various variants of your piece’s title for comparison from there.


Grammarly is a one-of-a-kind article writing service since it not only solves grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. It also includes features that will help you improve your writing style, give word suggestions, and provide expert editing.

Grammarly isn’t perfect, and it may sometimes mistake the meaning of worth, but overall, it’s a fantastic tool that we utilize daily.

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Hemingway Editor

Hemingway is also required if you’re feeling uncertain about your job. You can use Hemingway to check for suggested edits and repairs if you feel like you overuse clichés and want to ensure that your material stands out. It highlights any suggested modifications and fixes when you should eliminate complicated language or clichés.

This tool also recognizes when you write in passive voice and which words and phrases you should replace. It is not a tool that we use like many others, but we do keep it on hand.


Copyscape is an effective plagiarism detection tool for everyone who wishes to know if their work is free of copying. Plagiarism is one of the most serious offenses you can commit as a content creator, and you must do everything you can to avoid slipping into this trap. Plagiarizing material can also result in penalties at Google.

Similarities are discovered between your content and that of other sites and then compared using this program. You may quickly create unique content and reap the benefits because of it.

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